Friday, April 29, 2016

Future Trends in Marketing Communication

What are the future trends in marketing communication?

Learning objectives

1) What are the current trends in marketing communication?
2) What are the future trends?
3) How does technology affect marketing communications? (future)

What are the trends in marketing communication?

- Digital marketing is evolving as fast as any other medium on our tablets, smartphones, Google Glass and beyond, including mobile and video marketing.

- Marketing will be personalized, customized, and adapted. Data will be essential, and as users, we’ll be paying with our data. Customers will be forming relationships with brands that are built on trust, and if a company breaks that trust, it will be very quickly viral and very quickly over. 

- By 2020, unauthorized targeting of consumers will essentially be useless. I, as a consumer, am going to choose who I want to hear from. I’m going to like things, or I won’t like them, and you will have to earn that from me.

- In the future, the “reason to buy” will be socially motivated. If a product is great and everybody loves it, it will sell. And you’re going to stop buying things from companies that don’t fit your values.

- Companies can collect all the data they want, but data alone will never be enough. You still need to
reach consumers on an emotional level. The bottom line for marketers will be that if a product or service isn’t humanized, it won’t sell — because buying something isn’t an intellectual process of saying “this could be useful”; it’s saying “I really want this.”

- Ad blocking will continue to grow
Global Ad Blocking Growth, source:

How does technology affect marketing communications in future?

- due to internet everything is going to be faster. There will be tons and tons of information that consumers will have to deal with, therefore, it is going to be a hard job for marketers to create outstanding marketing messages.

- virtual reality drops people inside their favorite TV show, provides an on-the-ground preview of their next vacation, or puts them behind the wheel of their next car. Customer experience is priority number one and 3D technology will move from novelty to mainstream. Smart marketers will look for ways to bring their products to virtual life. (Newman, 2015)

1. Computing everywhere. Through the proliferation of mobile devices, buyers and salespeople can reach each other anywhere and anytime.

2. Advanced, pervasive, invisible analytics. By layering analytics seamlessly on top of linked data on customers, sales activities, and salespeople, companies can deliver the right decision assistance to the right salespeople and customers at the right time.

3. Context rich systems. Data and analytical insights can be tailored and targeted for the specific situations faced by customers and company personnel. The extreme customization aligns perfectly with how salespeople think and work.

4. Cloud Computing and

5. Software Defined Infrastructure: These enable fast deployment and at-will scaling of systems to keep up with ever-changing business, customer, and sales force needs.


Chrzanowska, N. (2016). 4 trends that will change your marketing communication in 2016. Retrieved from Accessed: 27.04.2016.

Newman, D. (2015). The Top 10 Marketing Trends That Will Define 2016. Retrieved from Accessed: 27.04.2016

Rousmaniere, D. (2013). A Futurist Looks at the Future of Marketing. Retrieved from Accessed: 27.04.2016.

Zoltners, A. A., Sinha, P., & Lorimer, S. E. (2015). The Technology Trends That Matter to Sales Teams. Retrieved from Accessed: 27.04.2016.

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